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What's Your
Power to Be in 2023?

Get the support you need to improve your wellness journey

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Discover The Best Version of Yourself

You want the best version of yourself--emotionally, physically, and mentally. We’ve all tried setting goals and New Year’s resolutions only to abandon them before February has rolled around, right?  It can be different this year! Choose a mantra or theme as the guiding principle to improve yourself this year. Follow the next 3 steps to unleash a new you in 2023.


Step 1:
Choose your theme

Your theme should serve as a North Star for all your efforts. It should be broad enough to apply to every endeavor—to keep in mind as you make day-to-day decisions. Don’t limit it to a single area of improvement.

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Step 2:
Turn Your Theme Into Action

The MetaPWR™ system can magnify and optimize the effects of healthy lifestyle choices—energy, sleep, mood, weight, and so on—making it easier for you to live by your theme.*


The MetaPWR system can help you break old habits and live your full potential in 2023.

Step 3:
Get 30 Days of Free Support

As you kickstart your wellness journey, take advantage of 30 days of free support.

When you join 30 days of support, you’re joining a community. It’s like having a motivational group where everyone is in it together as you experience steady, sustainable transformation this year.

Enjoy 30 days of free support by signing up below!

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Talk to a Wellness Advocate

For additional support in 2023, speak to a Wellness Advocate near you. 

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MetaPWR Testimonials

See the changes people are experiencing with MetaPWR!

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

†More confirming clinical research is needed.

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